The Simplified Rules

The first round features head-to-head questions where correct answers are worth 1 point. In the second round or "Category Round," the players take turns tackling questions on their own from a specific categories, with correct answers worth 2 points each. In the third round, players go head- to-head once again and correct answers are worth 3 points. If a player can ring in early enough with a correct answer in the head-to-head rounds, they may earn a bonus "power point".

The fourth round or "Ladder Round" first pits the players in 2nd and 3rd place against each other with the winner advancing to challenge the player in 1st place. This round is similar to the third round, except that the player who is in 2nd place needs only one right answer to advance and the player in 3rd place needs to answer enough 3 or 4 point questions correctly to pass his opponent. The advancing player becomes the Challenger and needs to answer enough 3 or 4 point questions correctly to pass the 1st place player to win the game. The 1st place player needs only one right answer to win the game.

The Lawyers' Version of the Rules


  1. Each contest features three players playing against each other.
  2. Points are scored by correct answers to questions, each having pre-stated values. There is no point subtraction, except in the Ladder Round.
  3. If a member of the audience calls out an answer, the question may be discarded at the judges' discretion.
  4. For most questions where the answer is a person's name, only the last name is required. If there is some confusion, the contestant may be asked for more specific information, such as that person's first name. An answer that provides additional incorrect information would be incorrect. Therefore, if the answer is "Steven Spielberg," the response "Spielberg " would be correct, but "Stanley Spielberg" would not.
  5. Players should make protests during the public service announcement breaks. Please explain the issue to the judges. The judges may consult with the opposing players or host as they see fit.
  6. Decisions of the judges shall be final. The official declaration of the outcome of the match shall be irrevocable. As in any contest, a game shall not be replayed, even if the outcome could have been altered by judgment errors.
  7. The standard remedy for judgment errors is another appearance on the show. We'll probably ask you back anyway, even if we didn't mess up your game.

Opening and Third Rounds

  1. All questions are "Toss-Ups," available initially to all players.
  2. A player may interrupt a question if they think they know the right answer.
  3. A player who thinks they have the correct answer presses their buzzer and should wait to be recognized before answering. If the player gives an answer before being recognized and did not ring in, the player may have inadvertently given the correct answer to the player who did ring in.
  4. If the recognized player gives an incorrect answer or no answer, the other players who still have not given a wrong answer may respond after they are recognized.
  5. Players should give their answer when recognized. If the judge thinks the player took long to answer, the response will be judged incorrect.
  6. If the question was not completed and a player answers incorrectly, the question will be completed and the other players who still have not given a wrong answer will be given an opportunity to answer.
  7. Both quarters end when time expires.
  8. In the Opening Round, questions are worth 1 point. In the Third Round, questions are valued at 3 points.
  9. If a player answers correctly before the "power point" designated on each question, the answer is worth an additional point. The power point will only be revealed if a player earns it.

Category Round

  1. Each player gets a chance to answer four questions, from three different categories for 12 questions total. Those questions are for that player only and the buzzer system is not used.
  2. In this round, Player 1 is on the far left as seen by host/camera, player 2 is in the middle, and player 3 is on the far right.
  3. Player 1 goes first, player 2 goes 2nd, etc.
  4. The player will not be recognized before responding, though the host may prompt him for an answer.
  5. The player may respond before the host has completed a question, but the host may complete a question after a right or wrong answer has been given.
  6. Once a player misses or passes a question, the host cannot later return to it.
  7. Players will select two of the categories for themselves, the other category will be selected by one of their opponents.
  8. In general, questions are worth 2 points. Some categories may have a more complicated scoring menu, but for a category, a player will score either 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 points. There are no power points.
  9. The quarter ends when all the players have had their three categories.
  10. Selection of categories takes place in the break just before this round. The players are shown a list of twelve available categories. Selection takes place in the following order:
    1. Player 1 selects for self.
    2. Player 2 selects for self.
    3. Player 3 selects for self.
    4. Player 3 selects for player 1.
    5. Player 1 selects for player 2.
    6. Player 2 selects for player 3.
    7. Player 2 selects for self.
    8. Player 3 selects for self.
    9. Player 1 selects for self.

Alternate Category Round Selection
  1. If technical conditions permit, the players will select during the flow of play from one of four categories that appear on the monitor.
  2. After a category is selected, another one will take its place.
  3. Selection order takes place as above and is also the order for playing out the questions.
    1. Player 1 selects for self and plays the questions.
    2. Player 2 selects for self and plays the questions.
    3. Player 3 selects for self and plays the questions.
    4. Player 3 selects for player 1 who plays the questions.
    5. Player 1 selects for player 2 who plays the questions.
    6. Player 2 selects for player 3 who plays the questions.
    7. Player 2 selects for self and plays the questions.
    8. Player 3 selects for self and plays the questions.
    9. Player 1 selects for self and plays the questions.

Ladder Round

  1. This round is generally played like the Third Round with questions usually worth 3 points.
  2. This is complicated, but it can be boiled down to this: If you're ahead, you only have to answer one question right to move on. If you're behind, you need enough 3 point right answers to pass your opponent. Generally, only the player behind can earn power points.
  3. First, the 2nd place and 3rd place player play only against each other. The 2nd place player need only answer one question correctly in order to eliminate the 3rd place player. The 3rd place player must answer enough 3 point questions to exceed the point total of the 2nd place player, without the 2nd place player answering any right, in order to advance. Only the 3rd place player may earn power points.
  4. The winner between the 2nd and 3rd place players is now the new 2nd place player or Challenger. The Challenger plays against the 1st place player in the same way. The 1st place player need only answer one question correctly in order to win the game. The Challenger must answer enough 3 point questions to exceed the point total of the 1st place player, without the 1st place player answering any right, in order to win the game. Only the Challenger may earn power points.
  5. When the 2nd and 3rd place players play, the 2nd place player gets no points for his one correct answer, but does advance. The 3rd place player gets 3 points for all his correct answers. Only the 3rd place player may earn power points.
  6. When the 1st place player and the Challenger play, the 1st place player gets no points for his one correct answer, but he wins the game. The Challenger gets 3 points for all his correct answers. Only the Challenger may earn power points.
  7. Ties
    1. If two players tie for 2nd- The players tied for 2nd play off against one another. The one who gives the first correct answer advances and the other player is eliminated. Play continues as normal. Neither player can earn power points.
    2. If two players tie for 1st- All three players play off initially. Between the two players tied for 1st, the first one of them to answer a question correctly gets 1 point, becomes the 1st place player, and play continues as normal. However, if the 3rd place player manages to exceed the point total of his opponents, he becomes the new 1st place player. The two remaining tied players continue as in 7.a. above. If a 1st place player answers a question correctly before the 3rd place player is eliminated, that player may earn a power point. The 3rd place player may also receive power points.
    3. If all three players are tied- The first player to answer a question correctly gains 1 point, becomes the 1st place player, and waits. The next player to answer a question correctly gains 1 point and eliminates the player who didn't answer a question correctly. Of the two remaining players, the next one to answer a question correctly wins the game. Only the first player to answer a question correctly may earn a power point.
  8. I know this is complicated. Don't worry. The host will tell you where you stand. Let's say at the start of the Ladder Round, Alice has 31 points, Bob has 25 points, and Charlie has 20 points. The host will say,"Charlie, you need to answer two questions right to pass Bob. Bob, you need just one right answer to eliminate Charlie." Then, let's say Bob holds off Charlie. The host will say,"Bob, you need three right answers to win the game. Alice, you need just one."